At 13.3" in size, the 16:9 display features a native resolution of 1440 x 900. Because it is cut from a solid block of aluminum, the housing is stronger than those found on laptops built via traditional means. The MacBook Air is housed in an aluminum unibody enclosure, which is as strong as it is light.

It also allows for impressive battery life - up to 12 hours of web browsing and 30 days of standby time. Flash storage doesn't just give you a lighter, thinner computer. The system is loaded with 128GB of flash storage rather than an old-fashioned hard drive. At its thickest point, the computer is only 0.68" - it tapers down to 0.11" at its thinnest. The system is defined by its unibody aluminum enclosure. To say that the Air is svelte is all at once stating the obvious and understating the truth. Apple's engineers have leveraged the lessons they learned in designing the miniaturized iPad and applied them to the design of this 2.96-pound computer. The 13.3" MacBook Air Notebook Computer from Apple is an ultraportable notebook computer with a thin and lightweight design.